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Thursday 5 April 2012

Wednesday, 28th of March 2012

I've finally finished reading Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult yesterday.

 It took me 1 week to finish it, kinda lambat because the buku are kind of tebal and the font are so kecik and you need to concentrate properly because there are a lot of twists and lots of words that when you baca it you just stop and pause and start to think and stuff.

The cover. 

I cried so much. I have never cried so much on a book before. I don't even know why, nak bendera jepun lah ni emosi tak stabil semua ni.

This book is about a girl, Willow who was born with severe osteogenesis imperfecta which means that she was born with brittle bone disease. She could break a bone by sneezing,coughing, or even breathing.

It was really sedih because this family had to deal with financial burden because of all the hospital bills, their mortgage and a bunch of other payments. And then her mum find out that she could sue her obstetrician which was also her best friend at that time for wrongful birth. Basically her mum is saying that the doctor should have told her about this disease before Willow was born so she could have terminated the pregnancy, because when they were doing the ultrasound, there was something weird with the picture because the brain was too clear and the doctor said that the baby was fine and just normal.

But that means that her mum would have to lie in front of everyone that she wished that Willow was never been born to get the duit and to give Willow the life that she would never be able to rasa without the money. But in order to do that, she has to break the friendship that she has shared with Piper, (her obstetrician) for the past 9 years.

And than the whole family start to fall apart and the ending was just like sadasd90awud0wq.

Yes it's very similar to my sister's keeper,(another book written by Jodi Picoult) and i just read the review that the people wrote on the internet and not all of them are positive. But for me, it is brilliant.

I cried because I realised every mum plays an important role in the lives of their family. Imagine, a month without your mum. or even a year. How difficult your life would be without a person called mum.

No one could ever love like a mum could. She would do anything to make and see you happy.  The amount of sacrifice that a mother has made for her children is just beyond countable. And yet sometimes we still disrespect our mum, talk back, and not do things that she ask us to do. Heish dosa. Pengorbanan ibu itu besar. Sebab itulah ada phrase syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu.

I cakap macam a mum dah. Heish umur belum 16 lagi. I takda anak lagi ye. Mintak clear on that :p

Le conclusion = So I think that it's a really good book and it makes me think and stuff. But I know it's not suitable for my age though, mwahaha, oh well.


- Today I found out that Natalie's vegetarian. :oooo She never told me before >.>
Not because of her belief or religion, it's simply just because she doesn't like meat. She stopped eating meat at the age of 2.

I mean like, how can you not like meat? Maksudnya she never got meat stuck on her teeth. :OOOO
Saya memang terkejut gila, sebab just look at my blog name thing, it's nisalikesayam.

I am a big fan of ayam, hehehe. How can you not like ayam? Ayam golek, ayam panggang, ayam madu. Hihihii, terkeluar air liur sebentar.

And in business Natalie also said that my pen is really weird. So guess what other gambar I want to tunjuk? Yes, my pen, mwahaha.

Free pen woop~

So yeah that's it cerita for today, bye~ :DDD 

This post is so panjang. Okay tak payah baca kalau tak suka. hoho.


Aida Jelita said...

how come dia tak makan meat.. we just belajar bio and our teacher said if you want to be a vegetarian, wait untill you're 19 years old or above. Because during this age our body nak ambil all nutrient and so what ever tu untuk pertumbuhan dan juga masa tua nanti... Agak scary bila dengar dia seorang vegetarian since dia 2 years old

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