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Saturday 30 June 2012

Thursday 5 April 2012

Saturday, 31st of March 2012

There's an iluvislam programme called SMILE that was held on at warwick uni today.

Ada Dr Mohamad Asri Zainul Abidin ( dr maza) bagi talk! Mak always watch him on youtube. I wanted to go but the topic was on how to make malaysia to be more islamic country and stuff like that and mak said to me to just stay home because I am still kecik.

So I did. And Iffah who lives in Durham came too. Well because her dad pun bagi talk so she came to duduk2 in our house.

And our house at that time was like tongkang mau pecah, so i had to kemas bladibladibladibla.


Okay sekarang dah macam a month after spain dah still tak update lagi :p Gaaaaaaaaaaa. Banyak kerja lah.

Okay im just gonna post gambar:

And i remember this is what we makan. Itu pun mau tangkap ka? :p

Friday, 30th of March 2012

Mr M has arrived! You are such a sexy beast Mr M! 

Love having Mr M but hate having him at the same time. Because I always feel
macam super extra bagus 
like I am so much better that everyone else who
doesn't have a mercedes, perasan kaya lah, 
padahal bukan nya mercedes yang mahal gila pun. meh. 

Ya allah, kau hilang kanlah perasaan riak daripada hati ku ini. Amin. 

Thursday, 29th of March 2012

Kayleigh anne, Sarah's schoolmate and her sister, Sophie came today.

They come to our house like 2 times a week. Hehe It's because their grandma is our neighbour. And they're so cute. Hihi <3

So today, i asked them to pose for me:

Such a nice picture, but aisha isn't smiling. :( 

Back garden :D

Wednesday, 28th of March 2012

I've finally finished reading Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult yesterday.

 It took me 1 week to finish it, kinda lambat because the buku are kind of tebal and the font are so kecik and you need to concentrate properly because there are a lot of twists and lots of words that when you baca it you just stop and pause and start to think and stuff.

The cover. 

I cried so much. I have never cried so much on a book before. I don't even know why, nak bendera jepun lah ni emosi tak stabil semua ni.

This book is about a girl, Willow who was born with severe osteogenesis imperfecta which means that she was born with brittle bone disease. She could break a bone by sneezing,coughing, or even breathing.

It was really sedih because this family had to deal with financial burden because of all the hospital bills, their mortgage and a bunch of other payments. And then her mum find out that she could sue her obstetrician which was also her best friend at that time for wrongful birth. Basically her mum is saying that the doctor should have told her about this disease before Willow was born so she could have terminated the pregnancy, because when they were doing the ultrasound, there was something weird with the picture because the brain was too clear and the doctor said that the baby was fine and just normal.

But that means that her mum would have to lie in front of everyone that she wished that Willow was never been born to get the duit and to give Willow the life that she would never be able to rasa without the money. But in order to do that, she has to break the friendship that she has shared with Piper, (her obstetrician) for the past 9 years.

And than the whole family start to fall apart and the ending was just like sadasd90awud0wq.

Yes it's very similar to my sister's keeper,(another book written by Jodi Picoult) and i just read the review that the people wrote on the internet and not all of them are positive. But for me, it is brilliant.

I cried because I realised every mum plays an important role in the lives of their family. Imagine, a month without your mum. or even a year. How difficult your life would be without a person called mum.

No one could ever love like a mum could. She would do anything to make and see you happy.  The amount of sacrifice that a mother has made for her children is just beyond countable. And yet sometimes we still disrespect our mum, talk back, and not do things that she ask us to do. Heish dosa. Pengorbanan ibu itu besar. Sebab itulah ada phrase syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu.

I cakap macam a mum dah. Heish umur belum 16 lagi. I takda anak lagi ye. Mintak clear on that :p

Le conclusion = So I think that it's a really good book and it makes me think and stuff. But I know it's not suitable for my age though, mwahaha, oh well.


- Today I found out that Natalie's vegetarian. :oooo She never told me before >.>
Not because of her belief or religion, it's simply just because she doesn't like meat. She stopped eating meat at the age of 2.

I mean like, how can you not like meat? Maksudnya she never got meat stuck on her teeth. :OOOO
Saya memang terkejut gila, sebab just look at my blog name thing, it's nisalikesayam.

I am a big fan of ayam, hehehe. How can you not like ayam? Ayam golek, ayam panggang, ayam madu. Hihihii, terkeluar air liur sebentar.

And in business Natalie also said that my pen is really weird. So guess what other gambar I want to tunjuk? Yes, my pen, mwahaha.

Free pen woop~

So yeah that's it cerita for today, bye~ :DDD 

This post is so panjang. Okay tak payah baca kalau tak suka. hoho.

Tuesday, 27th of March 2012

Er today was so panas again. Hehe susah nak dapat sun kat sini ni, 
ni yang letak gambar hari-hari :p 

And we did our roleplay for English today. It was kinda bad sebab it was really short sebab only like for 5 minutes? :p 

Kita main2 jer sebab me and Muriam Rumsby asyik pulled silly faces je and then we spent a lot of time giggling rather than practising. Jajaja. 

We did our roleplay on mice and men and for my character, I deliberately choosed Slim because I know Slim doesn't talk much in the book. I did shout and stuff but Mr Shaw said that you can't really see my character developed because I pelakon pembantuan je :p 

 I got high band 3 and he said that I can do better so I have to be the main character next time. Meh.

But Shannon asked him, if we got like band 3 for all of our assesment, what grade do you think would we get, and he said B. That's a relief. Because I am happy with a B :) 

We also found out our mark for the discussion. I got a band 4. Woopwoop. 

And er that's it for today. Buh-bye! :D

Monday, 26th of March 2012

Everyone was in a good mood today because it was so panas. Not as panas as Malaysia of course but panas enough for us.

It was so cantik as well. You can't see any cloud in the sky and it just looked so crystal clear. So here ya go: 
On the way home from school. Ini gambar ori, tak edit tak buat apa pun :) 

And this is what we called as anticyclone weather people. #SmugFace Hehe, Mr Osborn mesti proud kalau nampak ni. :3 

And this was taken late in the evening. :)

Okay ini sahaja post untuk harini. Bai~ :D

Sunday, 25th of March 2012

Someone ajak pergi hunger games, but tak dapat pergi. I want to watch hunger games so bad :(((((((((

But look what I bought yesterday at the charity shop! :D
Kira-kira costs 1 pound something
and the other 3 only cost for 2 pound~ because they
have this offer thing buy one get 2 free.
Kaut lah apa lagi :D 

So murah~~~ #BukuLove, hihhiihihi. 

I've read the lost boy at malaysia, and it is so sedih. 
It was also the first ever buku that i ever menangis on.
Not like hujan type of nangis, just like 
basah on mata, but it was sedih.

And i've also read kira-kira in Malaysia! And it
was okay but I bought
these 2 books for Ipah because I know
she'll love it. :))))) 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Saturday, 24th of March 2012

Today we went to celebrate Aisha's birthday at Auntie Shima's house! :D oh and today was also Auntie Julie's last day at Coventry :( More and more people going back, my turn soon...

 So we went to Tesco and we bought some balloons:

 But we didn't realise that it says happy 40th birthday on it :p 

Asha is only turning 3. Taklah banyak difference sangat kan? Setakat 37 tahun tu, sikit je :p 

And also, auntie Syima is like one of the pandai-est chef in Coventry, so I helped her masak, okay not really  masak just potong nasi impit and shaped the begedil to look like a begedil. What? Saya beginner jelah. :p

And tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: 

See how nice all the nasi impit's shape thing look like? Thanks to my skill of potonging of course, each
of the nasi impit have been nicely cut with the same portion 
 and i bet if you could measure each of the
nasi impit's angle, they all would be the same. 
Well you know not to brag or anthing, but this is
just too good to not bagitau. 

We had soto, that hijau kuih thing, cake, 
and lots of other makanan. :D

Aisha and her hadiahs. 

Happy 3rd Birthday Noura Aishaaaaaaa! :D 

Friday 23 March 2012

It's non-uniform day today! I really didn't know what to wear, I didn't even plan it the night before like I usually do because I was too malas. Oh and I forgot to bring in 1 pound so I had to borrow ipah and sanah's money.

And the P.E department made us walk 2 miles because they say that we didn't look sporty enough. >.> And I found out that I got band 3 out of band 5 in English for my English speaking assesment. Very very disappointed in that. I think I would get a c for English. It would be lucky for me to scrape a b.

Oh and the japanese exchange students gave me some asam. But all mat salih didn't like the taste of it. Oh and their cikgu and the japanese boys students are pretty hot. Mwahahaha.

Aisha is turning 3 today. And I found out that Aisha has the same birthday as Ruby ( Caitlin's sister) but we are going to celebrate it tomorrow.

Et don't forget ( I don't know what's don't forget in french) les photos pour aujourd'hui! :

 People are just jealous of me because I am just so tall. 

 Look what we made in Science with Ms Wong! We made DNA
out of strawberry lances. Mwehehe. 

Chromosomes. That blue thing in the middle
was actually the tissue stuck on the lances. :p 
And then Ms Wong gave us some lances at the 
end of the lesson. 

Thursday 22 March 2012

This is how I motivate myself:

Well sometimes they do work and I start revising and studying and sometimes i just completely 
ignore them and just baring on katil and not pandang them. 

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Just want to show you guys my drug. 

Tuesday 20 March 2012

I am not really a fan of cakes yeah but this cake is so sedaaap. First because it's a chocolate cake. Second: they put ice cream in the middle of the cake. Third because it's so cheap, it costs like 2.99 pound and it's quite besar too. Wohoo (Y)

Monday 19 March 2012

So Monday, hmmm, nothing interesting happened today. So yeah hehe.

I am just going to say that my mum likes to buy pretty flowers :D 

Sunday 18 March 2012

Still at Oxford and kita pie sightseeing lagi. (Y)

First location. Museum because it's freeeee.

 And I pujuk mak to go to Divinity School because they shoot Harry Potter's practise ball dance scene with Ms MgGonagall here! :D And they also used this place for the Hogwart's hospital.

 I've pijak the floor
tiles that were once been pijak-ed by the Harry Potter crews. skldjsaldasd

I've never tangkap gambar with this phone booth before eventhough
I've came across them macam lots of times already. 
But nanti dekat malaysia takdak soooo..

And today is also Mother's Day! :D 

And here's what we bought/ made for emak: 

I bought the heart love shape thing yesterday at Sainsbury. :p 

This is Umar's card: 

 He said that it's supposed to be a flower. Hehe
 What Umar wrote, he is so cute. Ngee <3 

And this is Sarah's: 


We didnt give mak all these in the morning. But as soon as we 
got home from Oxford, all of us started to tidy the house
and we kemas so lama like crazy, from like 5 pm - 10 pm.

Didn't even do my homework meh. 
And then before we all went to bed that we gave emak all these cards :) 

Happy Mother's Day Mak! Thank you for everything. 

We went to Oxford today because mak have this report to her bos? about her phd blablabla. Not just mak though, all the doctors and people who are doing phd medical in the Uk. Well basically where a bunch of doctors, oncologist, -insertweirdname-ist and nerd people meet.

So while emak and all the ist ist cakap2, we have to stay at this auntie's house. She is studying at Oxford university and her house is so kemas I tell you.

 It was kinda boring because I had no one to talk to, and then I had to go to the flat's playground to look after the kids. But I did have a book to read so it was alright. And then we played chess and like 4 hours later mak habis her talk thing.

And so we went to sightseeing :D

  Jumping photo is just a must wherever we go.

At the hotel. 

Oh almost forgot, look look look. Aisha took some pictures too:

Friday 16 March 2012

So today mak bought a new camera for herself. She said that the DSLR camera is too big for her and she wanted something that is small that she can carry everywhere.

This camera is quite cool actually. It has this thing where you can see your face at 
the front of the camera. Great for camwhoring ;)  

Oh and I wasn't the only one who was thrilled 
with our new family member. Aisha pun 

These are all the pictures that she took.

But look at this:

Aisha took this one too, and I think it looks quite cantik.

Oh and for those of you who don't know, Aisha is my 
2 year old sister, well nearly 3. 

Oh and today I've finished reading this book: 

When I first started this book, Ms Mallon went to me and she was
all like this book is quite adult and I hope you can take
in blablabla. 

And then on the same day, in French. Because I got 
A on my last writing assesment I didn't have to do another one, and 
the people who didn't have to do the assesment have to do
a booklet about school uniform ( seriously >.> )  and 
so I took out this book and start reading it. 

And then Ms Bahra came to me and she said i've read this book
blablabla, it's an adult fiction and im imagining what would I feel if my daughter reads it blabla
and that I should enjoy my childhood blabla
and then the next next day she asked me whether I've finished the book or not.
And that she kept thinking of me yesterday, (wahahaha) 

And now that I've finished it, Erm and what I think about it is that it's not really macam
super adult punya buku because I've read a lot of books this. But it's sedih 
though and I nangis at one part where Maria found out that
her dad had died because if I was her,
I will just give up on my life, and she is so strong, mashaallah. 

Oh and I still haven't told ms Bahra what I think of this book :p 

Oppps, this post has been panjang than what I'd intended. 

Thursday 15 March 2012

It was so foggy this morning. You could barely see the car in front of you or the people who were trying to cross the road. So bahaya :/

I realised that I will not see the weather as pelik as this in Malaysia. I mean like, kalau nak nampak benda foggy2 ni pun you have to go to Genting Higlands and it will still not be as teruk as this. So I decided to take some pictures.

I took this with my phone on the way to school so the quality
is not really good. So maaf ye ibu2 sekalian. 

And here's another picture for today: 

Having a nice mug of steaming hot chocolate on a cold night <3  

Wednesday 14 March 2012

So today we had our business test back, well Natalie has already got hers last week but I didn't get mine because I was out for the geography trip. Anyway, here's what I got:

Wohoo, so happy :D So far, from all the tests that we did in
class, I've got 2 As and 4 A * including this one. I am
aiming to get an A* out of this course since I will be failing
my science exam real bad. So doakan saya guise ^_^ 

Oh and today in photography, we did  the weaving thing with our pictures. And here's mine, took me like 2 hours to finish :< 

Wahahaha I've turned Kak Tie into an alien. Shhhh don't tell her :p 

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Tuesday 13th of March 2012=

English. We were supposed to write down what we need for our english speaking
assessment for Thursday. And they wrote a shower for me.
Thanks to Natalie. Mr Shaw even read it out loud. >.> 
But Jess, Megan and Chrissie's group
said that they need Johnny Depp. preferably naked. and covered in chocolate for thursday.
Haha even teruker. 
  Sorry the quality is really bad because I had to take the picture really quick. 
And so yeah. The end. ngee~ :D 

This was a picture from yesterday. I didn't post it yesterday because I was too tired and I was being lazy as always and plus, it was really late. So yeah. Anyways, this is it! My first ever picture for this project. :D Wahaha~

At the end of science, Mollie gave Katy and Georgia this toffee popcorn thing. And then I asked her can I have one because you love me, so she did. I am not even super close to her. Mwahaha. 
Some of yous might probably think he'eleh Nisa benda ni pun nak kecoh, but 
I mean like, she gave me this thing for free 
repeat, freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 
And I love free stuff. So that's why I am posting it here. 
I know it's just a small packet of toffee popcorn but we had ms atwal for 2 hours so 
this thing cheered me up a little bit. 
So moral of the story is always be nice to someone because even small actions can mean
something big to them. 
And er always give me hadiah and things because I will put em here. Hoho. 
And the toffee popcorn was yummy. Kbye :p 

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