Blog design and digital scrapbooking elements created by Adori Graphics »

Monday 12 March 2012


Yesterday, I was doing my research for my photography coursework and I stumbled on this super duper cool website Click on it click on it. It's so cool. Promise! :D

I think that all her work inspire me. Her blogs, her pictures, her videos. Everything. I think this is because she always talks about how grateful she is with her life and enjoy your life no matter what happened and so on and so on.

She was also the first person to start the 365 project, and then it spread through the entire world and it's a well known project and almost everyone's doing it now.

I always believe that life is beautiful. So and then I think why don't I do the 365 project and since this is my last year in England, why don't I treasure the moment with the people I have here through pictures, and capture the things that made me smile everyday because it would be a shame to just lose all of it kan? Sure I will remember some of them but not every single thing.

This is just not for me to remember all the memories though, oh no buddy but this also a way for me to remember that I need to be grateful to Allah all the time to have given me an opportunity to live in such a great, blissful and prosperous life.

But I am not going to post pictures that are like awesome or cool or beautiful or magnificient or astonishing or awe-inspiring or, you get what i mean. This is just like some random pictures that will maybe look worthless and crappy to all of yous. But oh well who cares, tarak suka boleh belah la dari ini blog. :p

So yeah. Hehe sorry for the long boring introduction. But after this I probably will just going to post some pictures and no more all this boring big paragraph for you to look at anymore.

So er that's it. I don't know how to end this. I am always bad with words. So er yeah. Bye~~~ Jumpa lagi! :D 


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Free blog design by Adori Graphics using the Carefree Summer digiscrapping kit by Adorible Digital Designs